Friday, May 23, 2008

Knock Knock

This is an animation I did for a Library in Truro, we made knock knock jokes for kids. I did the Banana one cause that's so funny. I won't give away the punchline. I also realize you can't read sarcasm on the internet, but it was there. Knock Knock jokes aren't funny.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Final 10 Second - Horse Ice Fishing

My final animation for the NSCC. It was supposed to be 10 seconds, I believe it's a little over.
I had some problems as I saved over a large portion of the project 3 days to it's due date, but I think I dodged a bullet and got it together in time. It still needs to be cleaned up, which might take awhile because of some circumstances, as well as sound... but for now, this is what I've done.


I isolated the splash from my animation. Yes I did.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ghost Ride Dance

My 5 second dance to "Ghost Ride" Part of a larger compilation done by several students.

Rope Climb

Animation test, Dillon climbing a rope.

Heavy box lift

Lifting a heavy box.

Table Pound

An animation test.

Wall Pound

An animation test.

Jump Stumble

The first animation we did in first year, and the last animation we did on paper.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pumpkin Man

The song is Pumpking man, created by myself and Zak Neilson. I did the modeling, animation, all the 3d. Eventually I would like to add lip sync throughout it.

Dillon Lip Sync

A lip Sync using the character Dillon. I still need to clean this one up quite a bit.

Monkey Dodgeball

This is a group project that three of us were assigned. Josh and I did the majority of the work, Taylor did the scene where the Gorilla is beating his chest. It's monkeys playing dodgeball!

Technical Difficulties

Hey there! I've just got this Blog up and running, and I've run into some technical difficulties with my animations... I can't export them from flash into anything that will looks half decent when I post it on the net... Hopefully I'll bypass this soon and post some more animations!

Planet Namek

It's Planet Namek from Dragonball Z. The idea here was to make a picture with depth and at least 4 ground plains. The colors were to dull as you went into the background.

King K. Rool

A picture showing a fight between Donkey Kong and King K. Rool of Donkey Kong Country. The ONK implies that Donkey Kong has hit K.Rool, and DK is somersaulting off the ship. Love that boss battle.

Mural Mosaic Piece - Gorilla Bear

This was a piece of a Mosaic Mural we were to do. I had a colored panel I had to follow, and this is what I came up with... A gorilla bear attacking an NSCC with graduation hat and diploma. Gorilla bears are cool.

Footsies - Novel Cover

I don't know how I came up with this monstrocity, or why I went through with it... but the idea here was to design a cover for a novel.. this one being an erotic love story about two feel who fall in love or something... I used my feet as models, so that's why they're so ugly... haha.

College Experience

We were to draw what we felt best described our 2 years in The Digital Animation course here at Truro campus NSCC... I've dictated a picture of myself ripping up inbetweens of a giraffe walk cycle i did last year that gave me a lot of frustration. On the desk are pictures of friends and a few things i remember well about the year. Stupid animal walks...

Farm - Harvest Moon Inspired

This was an illustration project where we were to draw a picture and have to distinct feelings of
different lightings shown in 2 images. There it is.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Death Figure

We were to take something from real life and draw it using illustrator. I drew my Family Guy Death Figure.